Hello all you fans of red bearded Irishmen. It's been, like, 3 months since my last post. But that doesn't mean it's been 3 months of no drawing! Here's a few drawings from late August to Mid November to bring you up to speed.

These were all cafe and subway sketches... well all except for the dude in the towel. He was a quick character design i did for a Documentary about Michael Moore I worked on with the Super Popular Studio's team. Regretfully the scene he was in was quickly cut.

These three were from the Ab last Friday. Pub drawing at it's finest. Thankfully the Ab got rid of that out of place 'poop smell' it had going for it.

This was an early sketch of a Hallowe'en costume i was strongly considering. In the end i'll just hold onto him as a villain character. Kind of a 'Jack O'Lantern' meets 'Headless Horseman'.